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    Do not post advertisements of any kind in forums or comments, or use forums and comments on any kind of commercial activity. In particular, this applies to the publication of "0900" numbers or in general special numbers for any purpose. There is no claim to publication of submitted comments or forum posts. The operators of this site reserve the right to edit or delete comments and forum posts at their own discretion.

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    The member assures that the submitted contributions are free of third party rights, in particular of copyrights, trademarks or personal rights. This applies to all contributions and images submitted.
    The Member grants the operators of this site an unrestricted right to use the submitted contributions. This includes the publication on the Internet on this page.
    Submitted contributions will be deleted or anonymized at the request of the member via email (contact form) or message in one of the associated forums. The deletion or anonymization takes place as soon as possible after the notification. For consequential damages caused to the member from the delayed deletion of the contribution, the operators are liable only insofar as they are not on a breach of duty of the member (above 1), 2) and 3)) and in addition to gross negligence or intent of Operators of this site are based. In this context, we expressly point out that this site is regularly indexed by search engines, and that we have no control over whether, where and for how long we have posted any contributions posted to search engine and web catalog databases even after deletion on this site be and are available. 
    There is no claim to storage, publication or archiving of the submitted contributions. The operators reserve the right not to publish submitted contributions without giving reasons, to edit them before publication or to delete them after publication in their sole discretion. 
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Posljednja izmjena: četvrtak, 8. novembar 2018., 17:06